A new ETH Pearl approved by SIWF
Module 3 of the CAS ETH in Modern Concepts in Clinical Research has been approved by the SIWF.

The SIWF (Schweizerisches Institut für ärztliche Weiter- und Fortbildung/Swiss Institute for Continuing Education and Advanced Training for Doctors) has granted accreditation to Module 3 of the CAS MCCR as a separate, contiguous training course for medical doctors. Swiss doctors who complete this module will receive 25 credits toward their non-specific continuing education requirements.
The module is titled “Real-World Data”. The course provides an overview of the importance of Real-World Data (RWD), different RWD sources, and how RWD can be exploited in healthcare, clinical and personalised health research, as well as in regulatory decision making. It highlights current trends and existing methods for using and analysing RWD. The course is led by Dr Katrin Crameri, Director Personalized Health Informatics (PHI) at SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Basel and Catherine Jutzeler, Assistant Professor at ETH Zürich, Biomedical Data Science Lab. Additional experts from ETH Zurich, from other academic institutions and from the healthcare industry complete this excellent faculty.
Classes of the newly accredited short course will be held in English and will take place on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 01.11.2022 to 29.11.2022. The course will include 27 contact hours (online, hybrid, workshop) and will make use of blended learning. For preparation and follow-up, we recommend spending the same amount of time again.
More information you can find here.