Fair of Technologies | 30 May 2024
Learn about the innovations in the world of sensor technology

Join us for the Fair of Technologies@ETH. This on site event is part of the CAS ETH in Digital Clinicial Trials programme. However, there are additional places available for this course, which is why we invite interested parties to register. Don't miss this opportunity to exchange views with experts from five innovative start-ups on the latest developments in the health tech sector and hear all about the pitfalls and milestones in the development of new technologies.
We are pleased about the committed participation of the following Start-ups / Tech companies:
- IDUN Technologies
- DigeHealth
- Detectra
- AdHeroes
- House of Charts
Thanks to the external page Balgrist Campus for hosting us and providing us with the ideal venue and infrastructure for this event.
MAS ETH in Digital Clinical Research | CAS ETH in Digital Clinical Trials
Live Event @Balgrist Campus
Thursday, 30.05.2024 | 09:00 - 13:30h
There are only a few spots left, so register now for free!
Please register external page here